Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back In The Saddle Again

Alright, 2007. The break is almost over and we're just about ready for the Spring semester. Time to actually wake up from hibernating and do something. How about making photographs!

My break was pretty nice. Santa was good to me this year. Apparently he stopped by and picked up a load of photo books for me. My favorite, Elliott Erwitts "Snaps." If any of you made it to see him at R.C. May Lecture last Fall, you got a taste of this book. This is a 540+ page book of excellent photography. You'll have to see it to believe it. #2, I got a beautiful book of Abelardo Morrell's work (pictured above). Phaidon Press, what else do I need to say? Some technical books I got: Michael Grecco's "Lighting and the Dramatic Portrait," (not bad at all) and "Designing a Digital Portfolio," by Cynthia Baron, an outstanding resource. Oh yeah, and John Harrington's book, "Best Business Practices for Photographers," (a serious business book, which is a bit over my head).

I also had a great treat yesterday. I went with Jeff Rogers and Matt Anderson to Louisville for a photo workshop with Michael Wilson. If you remember before, he was on my Hero list. It's pretty cool when you get to meet someone you admire, and Michael was really nice. He seems to be the "quiet waters that run deep" kind of guy. I also got to go out to lunch with him. If you'd like to see some of his work, check out his site here. He's well know for his portraiture of musicians, such as Over the Rhine, Lyle Lovett.

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Things get hectic after Thanksgiving and into finals, as if you didn't know already. Actually, I got stuck on the island of "Lost," trying to look cool...or was that a cemeteray in Louisville.

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